XML Serializer

Serialize and deserialize middleware that handles request and response data formatted as XML

XML Serializer

The XML Serializer package contains two middleware, one for serialization and one for deserialization. The two works the same the only difference is that the serializer takes an array and returns XML and the deserializer does the opposite.

The serializer reacts if the Accept header matches one of the supported mime types and the deserializer reacts if the Content-Type matches the list of supported mime types.

By default the supported mime types are: application/xml. It is possible to add more mime types by passing an array to the constructor.


This middleware is not included by default in the Phapi Framework but if you need to install it it's available to install via Packagist and Composer.

$ php composer.phar require phapi/serializer-xml:1.*


Both the serializer and deserializer has one configuration option, it's possible to add more mime types that should trigger the serializer/deserializer.

use Phapi\Middleware\Serializer\Xml\Xml;

$pipeline->pipe(new Xml(['text/html']));

Note that the array passed to the constructor will be merged with the default settings.

The above instructions applies to the deserializer as well.

See the configuration documentation for more information about how to configure the integration with the Phapi Framework.