
The pipeline of your application

Method Override

Middleware handling and allowing to override the original request method. This is useful when the client aren't able to send other native request methods than GET and POST.


It's possible to configure what override methods are allowed when the original request method is GET or POST.

Default settings:

  • 'CONNECT', 'TRACE', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS' are allowed to override GET requests.
  • 'PATCH', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'COPY', 'LOCK', 'UNLOCK' are allowed to override POST requests.

A 405 Method Not Allowed will be returned to the client if the override method aren't allowed due to the original request method (for example: override GET with PUT).


$pipeline->pipe(new \Phapi\Middleware\Override\Method(
  // Replace allowed methods to override GET
  ['HEAD', 'OPTIONS'],
  // Replace allowed methods to override POST
  ['PUT', 'DELETE']

See the configuration documentation for more information about how to configure the integration with the Phapi Framework.